जर्नल ऑफ एजिंग एंड जेरियाट्रिक मेडिसिन

Accounts Receivable to Aging Report

Abercrombie Buff

An accounts delinquent aging is a report that lists overdue client checks and unused credit memos by date ranges. The aging report is the primary tool used by collections help to determine which checks are overdue for payment. Given its use as a collection tool, the report may be configured to also contain contact information for each client. The report is also used by operation, to determine the effectiveness of the credit and collection functions. The aging report is also used as a tool for estimating implicit bad debts, which are also used to revise the allowance for doubtful accounts. The usual system for doing so is to decide the literal chance of tab bone quantities in each date range that generally come a bad debt, and apply these probabilities to the column totals in the most recent aging report