जर्नल ऑफ नर्सिंग एंड पेशेंट केयर

An Investigation of the Effect of a Behavioural Therapy on Clinical Factors among Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

Maryam Ghasemiardekani

In most countries throughout the world, particularly in developing countries, the proportion of the elderly people in the overall population is growing rapidly as a result of medical science, technology, and health policy development (Benjamin et al., 2019). One of the most chronic, non-communicable and preventable disease responsible for more than 12% of the global disease burden is cardiovascular disease (Feldman & Sills, 2013). There are several management plan have been continuing in order to decrease CVD  mortality rates. However, the number of people who live with CVD is still high. Patients may need more support to improve prognosis and manage their symptoms.

The overall purpose of this study is to investigate of the effect of behavioural therapy (Protection Motivation Theory) on clinical factors (BMI, weight, lipid profiles) among patients with CVD.

The target population of the study includes patient with cardiovascular diseases (60 patients) randomly selected among individuals at age range of 45 to 65 years old in 2020 from one public hospital affiliated with Shiraz University of Medical Science (IRAN) who are admitted to the cardiovascular hospital in Iran (Shiraz) with inclusion criteria. Researchers collecting the data are blinded to the intervention allocation. For more accurate results, mixed methods research will be used. First an interview and the valid and reliable questionnaires (Protection

Motivation Theory constructs, Morisky, and Kessler) are used for assessing the protective motivation theory variables in terms of the risk factors, medication adherence, and mindfulness.

Data collection for this study occurs in two phases. During the first phase, all data will gather at the time of discharge. Then, with the first session of rehabilitation program, patients with intervention group are given educational instructions which include exercise and diet instructions.  During the second phase when patient in both group come in three month for rehabilitation follow-up program, data collection will be performed.The strong point of this research project is the use of a mixed-method study approach in a significant sample of patient with cardiovascular conditions in Iran which has high rate of Cardiovascular disease over the past few decade.  Another strength is the use a theoretical frameworks which has not been applied in cardiovascular field. This study may help to identify and evaluate new research methods that changing perceptions and improving patient education efficacy.


Maryam Ghasemiardekani working as a dean School of Nursing and Healthcare Professions,, Federation University, Australia.


54th World Congress on Nursing and Health Care, May 13-14, 2020.

Abstract Citation:

Maryam Ghasemiardekani, An Investigation of the Effect of a Behavioural Therapy on Clinical Factors among Patients with Cardiovascular Disease, World Nursing Congress 2020, 54th World Congress on Nursing and Health Care, May 13-14, 2020