जर्नल ऑफ नर्सिंग एंड पेशेंट केयर


Jane Greaves

Midwifery is that the health science and community that deals with maternity, childbirth, and also the postnatal amount (including care of the new born), additionally to the sexual and procreative health of girls throughout their lives. A 2013 Cochrane review all over that "most ladies ought to be offered midwifery-led continuity models of ought to be inspired to fire this selection though caution ought to be exercised in applying this recommendation to women with substantial medical or obstetrical complications”. You will sometimes need: 5 GCSEs at grades nine to four (A to C), as well as English, math, and a science. 2 or 3 A levels, as well as a science, or tier three credentials or access to education in health, science, or nursing. First trimester screening varies by country. Ladies area unit generally offered wee-wee analysis (UA) and blood tests as well as an entire blood count (CBC), diagnosis (including Rh screen), syphilis, hepatitis, HIV, and German measles testing. In addition, ladies might have chlamydia testing via a wee-wee sample, and girls thought-about at high risk area unit screened for RBC sickness and Mediterranean anemia.