नेत्र रोग विज्ञान के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल

Non-Neural Granular Cell Tumor of the Eyelid: Case Report with Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Correlation

Joseph G Mathew (Canada)

Skin and soft tissue granular cell tumours (GCTs) are uncommon, but well-described, neoplasms that are favoured to arise from Schwann cells. Nonneural GCTs (nnGCTs) are morphologically indistinguishable from classic GCT but lack the necessary S100 positivity. nnGCTs are usually benign, although three cases with metastasis have been reported. The histogenesis of nnGCTs is uncertain. Here we report a case consistent with nnGCT arising in the skin of the eyelid with immunohistochemical and ultrasctructural correlation. This is only the second reported case of nnGCT from this site.