संक्रामक रोगों और प्रतिरक्षा चिकित्सा जर्नल

Role of Acanthamoeba in Granulomatous Encephalitis: A Review

Shalini Dewan Duggal, Sharon Rainy Rongpharpi, Ashish Kumar Duggal, Avinash Kumar and Indu Biswal

Amoebic encephalitis is an infrequently encountered, fatal infection of the central nervous system (CNS) seen mostly in immunocompromised individuals and rarely in immunocompetent. The mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis of GAE remains undefined, however various hypothesis have been suggested. Diagnosis is based on neuroimaging, microscopy, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, serology, and histopathology and recently by Molecular methods. Combination drug therapy along with immunotherapy has been tried in most cases despite poor outcome. Vaccine against Acanthamoeba infections is still in infancy. Research should be focused to convert these ‘Trojan horses’ of infections into ‘Caravans’ of disease prevention.

जर्नल हाइलाइट्स