मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और मनोचिकित्सा के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल

The implications of psychopathic moral deficit for therapy: towards a theoretical model

Sarah, J.H. Coldwell, David A.L. Coldwell

Statement of the problem: Measures taken to address psychopathy may have been ineffective because the individual psychopath’s degree of ‘moral deficit’ is not accounted for in the application of therapy.

Purpose of the study: The paper develops a theoretical model of ‘moral deficit’ that is aligned with the appropriateness of therapy ranging from the extreme ‘classical approach’ of total confinement to the modern therapy that aims to reintegrate the psychopath with society with ‘moralizing therapy’.

Methodology:  Analysis of secondary data from extant literature is used to develop the theoretical model of ‘moral deficit’.

Findings: Secondary data analysis suggests that the extent of psychopathic ‘moral deficit’ is an important factor in the selection of appropriate therapeutic measures for psychopathy treatment.

Conclusion & Significance: Degrees of psychopathic moral deficit have an important bearing on the appropriateness of therapeutic treatment.

Recommendations:It is recommended that therapeutic treatment of psychopathy makes greater provision for the extent of psychopathic ‘moral deficit’ in assessing the most appropriate applications.