पल्मोनरी मेडिसिन जर्नल

The New Generation of the ExVivo Lung Perfusion Systems

Mohamed SA Mohamed

Background: The ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) technique is a method of preserving the lung graft between death of the donor and transplantation. Although many centers are applying the technique in their lung transplant programs and reporting good and promising results, there are some problems that impede the perfectionism of the technique.
Objective: In this paper, the author sheds the light on some of those problems and provides some innovative solutions for them. Methods: A new system for EVLP that allows a complete antegrade perfusion of the pulmonary and bronchial arteries, and provides the potential for longer ex vivo graft preservation may potentiate the benefits of the technique.
Hypothesis: The time passes slower within a stronger gravitational field. Accordingly, preserving the graft within an increased gravity might allow for longer preservation periods. Fortunately, other advantages of hypergravity have been reported, which might favor the attenuation of inflammation and the improvement of graft regeneration.
Conclusion: Although being in need of the experimental realization, the reported data on the cellular levels show the potential of the new system to provide better and longer ex vivo graft preservation.