जर्नल ऑफ केमिस्ट्री एंड एप्लाइड केमिकल इंजीनियरिंग

The Simms Constants as Parameters in Hyperbolic Functions Related to Acid-Base Titration Curves

Anna Maria Michałowska-Kaczmarczyk, Aneta Spórna-Kucab, Agustin Garcia Asuero and Tadeusz Michałowski

The Simms constants (gi) are parameters of transformed equations for acid-base titration curves, obtained from rational functions of the Padé type. The relationships between gi and successive dissociation constants Ki values for polyprotic acids are formulated. The models related to acid-base titration curves are expressed in terms of hyperbolic functions. Some relations of gi to the Fermi- Dirac distribution function are indicated.