क्लिनिकल पीडियाट्रिक्स का रिसर्च जर्नल

Developmental Behaviour of Pediatrics in medicine

Waldo Concepcion

The main role of developmental-behavioral pediatricians is to evaluate kids who aren’t developing, learning or behaving the way their peers are. Kids may be referred to them through the early intervention program in their state. They’re also referred through their regular doctors. The developmental-behavioral pediatrician might continue to treat your child. Or she might recommend other professionals who can help with ongoing treatment. Here are some otherways shemighthelp:Prescribe andmonitormedicationif your childhasanissue likeADHDor anxiety. Helpyou betterunderstandwhat’sbehindyour child’s behavior and come up with discipline strategies

जर्नल हाइलाइट्स