स्पाइन और न्यूरोसर्जरी जर्नल

Diagnostic Conundrums in Cerebellar Cryptic Arteriovenous Malformations

Victor Kwasi, Ryoko Niwa, Takayuki Hara and RM Damian Holsinger

Cryptic Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) have increased risks of re-bleeding but sometimes undetectable on conventional neuroimaging modalities, thus delaying definitive treatment. Bleeding into the confined space of the posterior cranial fossa poses increased risks of mortality due to increasing intracranial pressure and early detection and surgical resolution is of utmost urgency. We present a case of cerebellar cryptic AVM diagnosed using high-resolution cone beam Computerized Tomography angiography (CBCT-A) and three-Dimensional Rotational Angiography (3-DRA), with a definitive diagnosis confirmed on histology. Surgery was performed without complications and the patient resumed normal functioning.