भूसूचना विज्ञान और भूसांख्यिकी: एक सिंहावलोकन

अमूर्त 12, आयतन 5 (2024)

शोध आलेख

Prediction of Reaeration and Deoxygenation Rate Constant in Selbe River, Mongolia: Dissolved Oxygen and BOD Assimilative Capacity of the River

  • Ariuntuya Tserendorj*, Bodigerel Lkhagvasuren , Usukhbayar Puntsagsuren , Gerelt-Od Dashdondog

विशेषज्ञ समीक्षा

Chemistry Analysis for the Origin of Life in Protoplanetary Disks

  • Xiaoming Li

शोध आलेख

Evidence of Elliptical Intrusions and Sr, Hf, Pb and O-H Isotopes of the Khanbogd Alkali Granite Pluton: Construction of Underplating Magma Associated with The Duplex Thrust

  • Dash Batulzii , Serjlkhumbe Amaramgalan*, Holk Gregory, Davaa Khishigsuren, Jargal Lkhamsuren and Otgonhuu Javkhlan