फैशन टेक्नोलॉजी और टेक्सटाइल इंजीनियरिंग

अमूर्त 11, आयतन 2 (2023)

लघु संचार

Applications of Photovoltaic Cells in Textile Engineering

  • Palen Bethina


Appilication of Technology in Fashion Designing and Sustainable Fashion

  • Galio Simon

राय लेख

Use of Textile in Automotive Industry

  • Samin Kalo

राय लेख

Applications of Smart Clothing in Fashion Industry

  • Simkim Huang


Versatile Role of Polyester in Clothing Technology

  • Xiang Zhui


Function of Dyes in Fabric and Design Industry

  • Xing Diang


Manufacturing Process of Apparel Design to Distribution

  • Sayeed Marwain