Use of Smart Fabrics for Water Purification and Sustainable Solutions
Creativity to Sketching: Art of Fabric Selection in Fashion Design
Textile Characteristics: Exploring High Tensile Strength in Fabrics
राय लेख
Modeling Fashion: Glamour, Diversity, and the Pursuit of Style
Fashion Marketing: Creating Desire in the Ever-Evolving Industry
Fashion Designing Influenced by Cultural Diversity: Celebrating Global Creativity
Embracing Natural Beauty Appeal of Natural Fibers
Geotextiles: Versatile Solution for Infrastructure and Environmental Challenges
Application of Textile Finishing in Fashion and Apparel Industry for Sustainability and Quality
शोध आलेख
पुरुषों की स्ट्रेचेबल जींस में फिट संबंधी समस्याओं का निवारण: फिट संबंधी समस्याओं की जांच, कपड़े के खिंचाव में भिन्नता, तथा सुसंगत फिट के लिए ब्लॉक पैटर्न का मानकीकरण