जर्नल ऑफ फार्मास्युटिकल साइंसेज एंड इमर्जिंग ड्रग्स

Clinical trials in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges

Nihal El Habachi

Egypt’s global share from clinical trials is very small in spite of being a strategic country in MENA region with large population. There are lots of opportunities attracting pharmaceutical companies to invest in the field of clinical trials in Egypt as the low expenses represented in the Investigator & site fees , cost for trialrelated care and much lower overhead fees, travel costs for monitoring sites and Support services (as printing, translation, and local courier fees). Also, the high quality investigators and site staff, keen to participate in clinical trials. As well as, Large pool of trial-naive, often treatmentnaive patients, High incidence and prevalence of certain diseases and less competition for enrolment of patients.