पर्यावरण जीव विज्ञान पर विशेषज्ञ की राय

Solar Energy in Ukraine: Sustainable Impact is Closer Than You Think

Matthew Kriteman

Sustainable Impact is Closer Than You Think Numerous independent reports have shown that sustainable investments have not only been more resilient during the covid-19 pandemic, but they are expected to increase. In fact, sustainable investments using ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) indicators become so popular that the biggest challenge for investors and reporting-solution providers is the ability to benchmark, verify, and cross-communicate this data. Ultimately, these are ‘good problems’ to have in sustainable energy: how do we make investments that yield the best alpha, while providing the most impact?

अस्वीकृति: इस सारांश का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया है और इसे अभी तक समीक्षा या सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है।