वनस्पति: पादप अनुसंधान का एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल

Heterosis Studies in Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol) Standl]

Doloi N, Patel JN and Acharya RR

Forty five F1 hybrids developed from a diallel set involving ten parents (excluding reciprocals) in bottle gourd were evaluated in randomized block design with two replications during kharif 2016 at the Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand. This study was aimed to study the extent of heterosis over better parent and standard check NDBGH 4. Analysis of variance indicated presence of considerable variability among genotypes for all the characters under study. The cross combinations ABGS 11-23 x DBG 5, ABG 1 x Arka Bahar and DBG 6 x DBG 5 showed highly positive significant heterosis over standard check for fruit yield per plant. While, crosses ABGS 11-22 x Punjab Komal and DBG 6 x Punjab Komal showed significant negative heterosis over standard check for earliness.