वनस्पति: पादप अनुसंधान का एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल

Tagging SSR Markers Associated with Genomic Regions Controlling Anthracnose Resistance in Chilli (Capsicum baccatum L.)

Nanda C, Mohan Rao A, Ramesh S, Hittalmani S and Prathibha VH

Tagging SSR Markers Associated with Genomic Regions Controlling Anthracnose Resistance in Chilli (Capsicum baccatum L.)

Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a serious pre- and post-harvest disease in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) which is a remunerative spice-cum-cash crop of the India. An attempt was made to tag genomic regions controlling anthracnose resistance using reported microsatellite markers.Out of 60 polymorphic SSR markers screened, only four differentiated the individual constituents of resistant and susceptible bulks. Of these four, only one (HpmsE 081) was found associated with genomic regions controlling anthracnose resistance. However, the association was weak as suggested by low contribution of the marker towards the variance of response to anthracnose disease in terms of lesion size...