वनस्पति: पादप अनुसंधान का एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल

Yield Performance and MYMV Resistance in Green Gram [Vigna Radiata (L) Wilczek]

Mogali S, Vijayakumar AG, Yamanura and Jaggal L

The present investigation was carried out to understand the role of different genotypes with its surrounding environments interaction in the expression of various characters and stability over successive seasons. The phenotypic stability of genotypes were estimated by mean performance over seasons, the regression coefficient (bi) and deviation from regression. Based on stability parameters the genotypes DGGV-25 and DGGV-40 exhibited moderate mean performance for seeds yield per plant with regression value closer to unity and non-significant deviation from regression, indicating high stability and wider adaptability across three environments. These genotypes also confer Moderate Resistance to MYMV and their performance could be checked under Multi location trials, which may also serve as better source for MYMV resistance..