पर्यटन अनुसंधान एवं आतिथ्य जर्नल

अमूर्त 10, आयतन 9 (2021)


Editorial on Rural Tourism

  • Andrew Phillip


Ecotourism and Natural resource management

  • Andrew Phillip

मामला का बिबरानी

Future Trend of Wellness Experiences in Resort Hotels in Japan

  • Spring H Han

शोध आलेख

Satisfaction level with the Mangrove Environment and Biodiversity (Case study: Mangrove Tourism Karangsong in Indramayu Regency West m Java Province Indonesia) - "A Review"

  • Donny Juliandri Prihadi, Zhang Guanghai, Ruoxi Duan, Ghulam M Lahbar, Indah Riyantini, Wahyuniar Pamungkas and Rafait M Memon