जर्नल ऑफ़ प्रोटिओमिक्स एंड एंजाइमोलॉजी

Optimization of Biodegradation Process for Disperse Textile Dyes Using Brown Rot Fungi

S Sidra Batool and Anum Hanif

The whole research was managed to study the optimized conditions which are favorable for the production of enzymes which are the active participant in degradation of dyes. For this purpose Daedalea dickinsii was collected and isolated from the indigenous environment and was subjected for further experimentation towards the decolorization of DISPERSE dyes, which are extensively practiced in textile industries. There were given optimized conditions for the dyes to be decolorized by the fungus. The maximum degradation was observed between 5 to 8 days, after this no degradation was observed, this happened so because enzyme production stopped due to the accumulation of by products that severely retarded the enzyme growth or even stopped. The enzymes produced were Laccases, Manganese peroxidases and Lignin peroxidases, were also studied and their extent of participation in biodegradation of dyes. During the whole study it was also recorded that at which parameter there was maximum degradation occurred under optimized conditions and which parameters did not support the process. There were given many nutritional sources to record the maximum degradation, degradation became at its peak when enzymes were at their peak because carbon and nitrogen sources enhanced the enzymatic growth. It was recorded that when metallic ions were given to check the effects, enzymes showed positivity, it concluded that there existed a strong relationship between enzymatic production and application of metallic ions, Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe. The extent of enzymatic activity was then recoded as a Vmax and Kmax from line- weave burk plot. From the values obtained from the above study it was concluded that Daedalea dickinsii belonging from BRF holds the ability to decolorize the dyes upto 85%, if proper nutritional needs are provided. Hence it is emphaticaly concluded that this fungus holds very active traits towards decolorization of dyes and could be a proper and active agent for the treatment of waste-water and could be useful in vanishing the environmental pollutions, thus it would possibly reduce the bad impacts arising due to environmental degradation which ultimately lead to severe disorders.