एथलेटिक संवर्धन जर्नल

Musculoskeletal Profile of Amateur Combat Athletes: Body composition, muscular strength and striking power

Luke Del Vecchio, Nattai Borges, Campbell MacGregor, Jarrod D. Meerkin and Mike Climstein

Previous research highlighted positive musculoskeletal adaptations resulting from mechanical forces and loadings distinctive to impacts and movements with sports participation. However, little is known about these adaptations in combat athletes. The aim of this study was to quantify bone mineral density [BMD], lean muscle mass [LMM] and punching and kicking power in amateur male combat athletes. Thirteen male combat athletes [lightweight and middleweight] volunteered all physiological tests including dual energy X-ray absorptiometry for bone mineral density [BMD] segmental body composition [lean muscle mass, LMM], muscle strength and striking power, sedentary controls [n=15] were used for selected DXA outcome variables. There were significant differences [p < 0.05] between combat groups for lumbar spine [+5.0%], dominant arm [+4.4%] BMD, and dominant and non-dominant leg LM [+21.8% and +22.6%]. Controls had significantly [p