एथलेटिक संवर्धन जर्नल

The Different Point of View�??A Visual-Spatial Taxonomy for Sports

Pietsch S

Sports taxonomies typically classify specific motor skills and types of sport based on the functional demands of the particular movement task. The aim of this paper is therefore to develop a differentiated taxonomy for sports with regard to their specific visual-spatial demands. Fundamental to the reasonable progression of this taxonomy is the established interaction of motor and cognitive and in particular motor and visual-spatial abilities. Based on an up-to-date theoretically motivated typology, which categorizes visual-spatial abilities in extrinsic-static, extrinsic-dynamic, intrinsic-static and intrinsicdynamic abilities, a visual-spatial classification of sports is presented. Subsequently, different tests for the acquisition of visual-spatial abilities and thus a possibility to match types of sport to the taxonomy are presented. Finally an overview of various forms of visual-spatial training provides an insight into the benefit of such a classification system in sports practice.