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Translational Research to Uncover Diagnostic & Therapeutic Gene Targets Emerging in a Genomic Era: from Bench to Bedside

Blum K, Giordano J, Borsten J, Downs BW, Hauser M, Simpatico T, Lohmann R, Braverman ER and Barh D

Translational Research to Uncover Diagnostic & Therapeutic Gene Targets Emerging in a Genomic Era: from Bench to Bedside

Since the discovery of the double-helix in the 50’s until the recent mapping of the human genome, genetically -based medicine has held the promise of significantly impacting our daily lives. Interestingly, by 2003, there were 51 Nobel Prizes given for gene related studies. Scientific exploration is holding out the hope for the discovery of novel therapies that will diminish the devastation of genetically based diseases. It is well known that despite the fact that polymorphisms or gene variants account for a very low percentage (1%) of the Homo sapiens’s genome, diseases involving DNA have challenged the entire global scientific community since Adam bit the “forbidden apple” and indeed was “thrown out” of paradise.