जर्नल ऑफ बिजनेस एंड होटल मैनेजमेंट

Strannik is the first medical technology to incorporate an understanding of how the brain regulates the body�??s function

Graham Wilfred Ewing

Strannik cognitive software is based upon a mathematical model of how the brain regulates the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems. It comprises the screening technology Strannik Virtual Scanning (SVS) and the therapeutic modality Strannik Light Therapy (SLT). SVS is a Point of Care technology which identifies the most destabilised physiological system(s), organ(s) and cellular morphology for each organ; provides a summary of the ca 15 pathologies in each of the 30 main organs; the extent of genotype and phenotype for each of the ca 15*30 reported pathologies; and the onset of pathologies from their presymptomatic onset.